FAQS under “About”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Forj made of?

Forj is a true composite material. We have combined an ultra-high strength thermoplastic fiber with a low temperature activated thermoplastic polymermatrix. Basically the thermoplastic polymermatrix keeps the thermoplastic fiber in place.

As a fully wetted (complete bonding between the fiber and the matrix material) composite material, the final product is able to take advantage of the characteristics of each of the individual components – the strength of the fiber and the low temperature formability of the matrix polymer.

A single strand of Forj has been tested and proven to hold up to 1,000 lbs of tensile force. Layer two strands of Forj for approximately double the strength

Forj is 100% plastic, bound together to create an extremely strong material. An individual ribbon can hold over 1,000 pounds. Combining strands can carry even more. When heated (by warm water, hot air, etc) Forj can also be molded and shaped into anything you can imagine and can hold its shape once cooled. Create things such as a knife grip, a quick repair for a broken chain link, or thousands of other tools and objects. Forj is strong like steel, flexible like rope, and adaptable like putty.

Orders are sent to our shipment vendor automatically after they are processed through the website. Orders that come in before 9:45am(EST), are printed that day and shipped the next day. Orders that come to us after 9:45am(EST) are printed the next day at approximately 10:00am(EST) and shipped the following day. Orders that are submitted on Friday (orders before 9:45 am) won’t ship until Monday. Orders that come in Friday after 9:45am(EST), all orders on Saturday, all orders on Sunday and orders on Monday until 9:45am(EST) will print on Monday and ship on Tuesday the following week.

Multiple shipments: If an order is submitted that is large enough to have to be put into multiple boxes, we will do that and follow the printing and shipping guidelines above. If you go to track a multi package shipment when you track the first package it will show you that there were others that were connected to that shipment. Each package will have its own tracking number in case one goes missing.

Forj’s strength, flexibility, malleability and low temperature formability makes it ideally suited for a number of applications – many of which we have not yet envisioned. However, Forj makes a great choice to replace a broken chain link, create a harness, replace a broken rivet, or tow equipment, gear and toys. It’s flexibility allows Forj to adapt to any necessary shape, and its malleable characteristics enable Forj to create custom grips, handles, and rivets.